• $249 - 60min

    Chemical Peels are an advanced treatment to get you better and faster results!

    A chemical peel can be used to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve texture/tone, reduce pore size, reduce acne, increase hydration and moisture retention, give skin a smoother appearance and diminish the appearance of hyperpigmentation, and gives a beautiful glow.

    We enhance your peel by including a full facial with your peel and added treatments that may include:

    masques, a jade eye mask, cold globes, jelly mask, etc.

  • Chemical Peels are NOT for you if:

    You know you cannot precisely follow the aftercare required

    You are not willing to invest in the skincare products required to keep your skin safe and healthy

    If you are pregnant, trying, or nursing

    If you have used Accutane or Isotretinoin in the past 12 months

    If you have vascular lesions or telangiectasia in the treatment area

    If you have an infection, rash, open lesions, atopic dermatitis, or eczema in the treatment area

    If you have a history of cold sores you will need a prescription from your Doctor before beginning chemical peels

    If you have had recent cosmetic surgery in the treatment area

  • How To Prepare For A Chemical Peel

    professional chemical peels performed within 14 days of your treatment

    products with retinol or active ingredients (acids) 7 days before your treatment

    Discontinue waxing/depilatories (Nair) in the treatment area 7 days before your treatment

    No extensive sun exposure for 3 days before your treatment

    Chemical Peel After Care

    SPF 30+ must be worn daily to protect your skin while it is healing.
    Best Practice: reapply every 2 hours

    No picking
    at peeling or shedding skin. This may lead to adverse reactions including, but not limited to hyperpigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, or scarring

    For 24 hours after your treatment, NO sweating (avoid exercise). NO hot showers, pools, hot tubs, or saunas.

    Wait 3 days after treatment before exfoliating or re-introducing products with retinol or active ingredients (acids)

    No excessive sun exposure or tanning beds for 2 weeks after your treatment

    No waxing/depilatories in the treatment area for 2 weeks after your treatment.

  • Layers of products are applied based on your unique skin composition and needs. On average 4-8 treatments are required in order to obtain optimal results spaced 2-4 weeks apart.

    Due to variables such as age, condition of your skin, sun damage, smoking, skin care products, climate, lifestyle, and general health, results vary.

    You may or may not experience skin peeling, flaking, or crusting as a result of this treatment for a period of up to 10 days. Peeling is not an indication of the efficacy of the treatment.

    During your chemical peel, you may experience mild to moderate discomfort or pain, slight redness or swelling, sun sensitivity, skin sensitivity

    Some risks/complications that may occur are pigment changes, scarring, allergic reaction, and bacterial infection.